Category Archives: Jokes

Blonde Jokes #2

Hits: 229

She was Soooooooo Blonde … READ MORE

The 12 Days of Christmas

Hits: 159

December 14, 1972
My dearest darling John:
Who ever in the whole world would dream of getting a real Partridge in a Pear Tree? How can I ever express my pleasure. Thank you a hundred times for thinking of me this way.
My love always, Agnes READ MORE

George W. Bush Joke

Hits: 167

While visiting England, George Bush is invited to tea with the Queen. He asks her what her leadership philosophy is. She says that it is to surround herself with intelligent people. He asks how she knows if they’re intelligent. “I do so by asking them the right questions,” says the Queen.  “Allow me to demonstrate.”  She phones Tony Blair and says, “Mr. Prime Minister.  Please answer this question: Your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or sister. Who is it?”
 Tony Blair responds ,”It’s me, ma’am.”  “Correct.  Thank you and good-bye, sir,” says the Queen. READ MORE

Happy Hour Southern Style

Hits: 170

My friend Bubba was driving down a back road in North Carolina .. READ MORE

Blonde Joke

Hits: 866

A blind man and his guide dog enter a bar and find their way to a bar stool. After ordering a drink, and sitting there for a  while, the blind guy yells to the bartender “Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke? READ MORE


Hits: 150

John O’Reilly hoisted his beer and said, “Here’s to spending the rest of me Life, between the legs of me wife !” READ MORE