Murder Hornets Arrive in the United States

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Video shows how Scientists in Washington state destroyed a nest containing Murder Hornets. The bugs made their way to the United States late last year. Over the summer, they became a hot topic when they were found in Washington state. Now, officials there say a nest has been extinguished. Inside Edition Digital’s Stephanie Officer has the details.


Invasion! Asian giant hornets have arrived

They can grow as large as 2½ inches and can slaughter a colony of thousands of honeybees in a matter of hours. And their sting? It’s one of the most painful known to humankind. Vespa mandarinia, dubbed by The New York Times as “murder hornets,” are the nation’s latest invasive species, and correspondent Luke Burbank talks with entomologists and a beekeeper about the threats these insects pose and what’s being done to keep them from establishing themselves in the U.S.


Why Murder Hornets Are Only Dangerous to Americans

Recently, we’ve encountered a new invasive species in North America, the Giant Asian Hornet, or as they’ve been so alarmingly dubbed, Murder Hornets, but are they as dangerous as their name might suggest?

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